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Software Company since 1986, Assintel founding partner, holds a portfolio of leading innovative solutions such as: Finance Atena®, ERP and Software for Financial Investigations, for the Registry of Reports (Agenzia delle Entrate) and for Anti-Money Laundering (BankItalia).

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An Investment and Consultancy company whose mission is summarised in "Get Value to your Asset”. It ensures maximum profitability through a Systemic Approach, in Real Estate and Corporate, with Finance Atena® and the Network Club Deal WeInvest.


Company that has defined a new way of Business Communication based on: Marketing, for defining Strategy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, for effective content structuring, and the Art of Cinema to convey the emotional power that only cinema is capable of.

Emotional Intelligence

In today's increasingly interconnected and relationship-driven work environment, emotional intelligence is emerging as one of the most critical skills for individual and organisational success. Beyond technical and cognitive skills, as well as IQ, the ability to understand, manage, and express both your own emotions and those of others is becoming a distinguishing factor in the workplace. In this blog, we will explore how emotional intelligence can positively impact work and how to develop it to maximise your professional potential. 


Emotional Intelligence
Understanding Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence, a term coined by psychologist Daniel Goleman, refers to the ability to recognise, understand, and manage both your own emotions and those of others. It is structured around five key components:
  • Self-Awareness: understanding your own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and their impact on others, along with having self-confidence.
  • Self-Discipline: mastery of emotions and impulses, maintaining standards of honesty and integrity, taking responsibility for one's actions, and being flexible in managing change.
  • Motivation: having a clear vision of your goals and being able to pursue them with determination, despite obstacles, and finally, a readiness to seize opportunities.
  • Empathy: understand the emotions and needs of others, putting yourself in their shoes and responding appropriately. Knowing how to cultivate the opportunities offered by different types of people.
  • Social Abilities: knowing how to manage interpersonal relationships effectively, communicating clearly, listening actively and resolving conflicts. Ability to create group synergy in pursuing common objectives.
Benefits in the Workplace 
Emotional intelligence brings numerous advantages to the workplace, benefiting both individuals and organisations:
  • Better Relationships: the ability to establish connections is typical of individuals who excel in almost any field: studies in areas such as entertainment, engineering, and computer science have shown that building informal relationships is essential for success.
  • Great Leadership: leaders with high emotional intelligence are able to inspire and motivate their employees, creating an atmosphere of trust and support.
  • Conflict Management: emotional intelligence enables individuals to manage conflicts constructively, turning them into opportunities for growth and change.
  • Positive Environment: organisations that promote and cultivate emotional intelligence among their members tend to be more innovative, resilient, and oriented towards long-term success. Additionally, "psychological" closeness is created between members—those we get along with, trust, and feel aligned with are the people with whom we form the strongest bonds.
  • Stress Reduction: being able to manage your emotions reduces stress and improves overall well-being, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
Develop Emotional Intelligence
Fortunately, emotional intelligence can be developed and enhanced over time through targeted practices and activities:
  • Self-Reflection: taking time to reflect on your emotions, reactions and behaviors can increase your self-awareness and ability to self-regulate. Writing them in a journal or on a piece of paper helps you understand them better.
  • Practice Empathy: putting yourself in others' shoes, actively listening, and trying to understand their perspectives can improve empathic skills.
  • Feedback and Coaching: receiving constructive feedback and support from peers, mentors or coaches can provide a valuable outside perspective for self-improvement.
  • Learning through Courses: participating in courses, workshops or training programs on emotional intelligence can provide practical tools and techniques to improve emotional skills.
  • Daily Practice: integrating emotional awareness into your daily life, both at work and outside, can foster authentic transformation and personal growth.


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In conclusion, emotional intelligence is not only an important aspect of our personal lives but also a key factor for professional success. Investing in the development of emotional skills not only improves our interpersonal relationships and well-being but can also lead to tangible results at work, enhancing productivity, leadership, and overall satisfaction.
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