Investor @The Center Group


Brand Atena no PayOff

Software Company since 1986, Assintel founding partner, holds a portfolio of leading innovative solutions such as: Finance Atena®, ERP and Software for Financial Investigations, for the Registry of Reports (Agenzia delle Entrate) and for Anti-Money Laundering (BankItalia).

Brand_FinanceAtena white no PayOff

The first FinTech platform in Europe, based on AI, for Predictive, Economic-Financial Consulting for any type of Investment and Business Model, to ensure maximum Reliability, Opportunity and Profitability for the Public and Private sector.

Brand_WeInvest Grey NoPayoff

An Investment and Consultancy company whose mission is summarised in "Get Value to your Asset”. It ensures maximum profitability through a Systemic Approach, in Real Estate and Corporate, with Finance Atena® and the Network Club Deal WeInvest.


Company that has defined a new way of Business Communication based on: Marketing, for defining Strategy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, for effective content structuring, and the Art of Cinema to convey the emotional power that only cinema is capable of.

Emotional Marketing

When it comes to Emotional Marketing we mean a real marketing and communication strategy based on emotional processes. Therefore, unlike other strategies more connected to rationality and related cognitive biases, we totally rely on emotions. These, in fact, play a fundamental role in the purchasing phase, managing to break down any psychological resistance of potential customers.

With Emotional Marketing the customer is catapulted into a memorable experience, it entertains and excites him, offering him an experience to remember, anticipating his unconscious needs and desires.

It is necessary to focus on Emotional Marketing since, being the emotional system of people automatic, active and unconscious, snapping quickly and quickly, always ready to acknowledge and act and often difficult to control, this drives them to make decisions quickly and almost always determines the purchase choices.
Emotional Marketing

Why base your strategies on Emotional Marketing?

Several studies, conducted on both B2C and B2B market samples, have shown that the activity of the human mind and the decisions to purchase products and services are based only 5% on conscious and rational mechanisms and 95% on unconscious and emotional. This drives more and more marketers to adopt the lever of Emotional Marketing, working both on those stimuli and emotions that lead the consumer to purchase, and on the use of sensory communication, i.e. the type of communication that is based on the solicitation of five senses and which is therefore able to extend its contents and its expressive capabilities, beyond the "written" and the "spoken".
Emotions, therefore, spur potential customers to decide and act. To do this, we need to work on the so-called emotional triggers such as, for example: trust, the need to belong, immediate gratification, fear, etc. The goal is to be able to tap into the feelings of the potential customer and to associate the brand with specific memories and sensations. Then, with the repetition of these emotions, a sort of "bond" is formed between the Brand and the Customer.
Emotional Marketing

To implement an effective Emotional Marketing strategy, book your meeting with our experts now

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So, it's all about creating an experience that is memorable for the customer. How to do this?

According to marketing experts, there are at least five adoptable models, we are talking about Strategic Experiential Modules, or rather five categories of experiences that it is possible to make the potential customer to acquire or the customer to retain. These models are:

  • Sense Experience: experiences where the 5 senses are involved;
  • Feel Experience: experiences based on feelings and emotions;
  • Think Experience: experiences where the mind plays a fundamental role under the creative and cognitive side;
  • Act Experience: experiences aimed at people as a whole, both physically and mentally;
  • Relate Experience: experiences where the aim is to unite individual consumers, trying to create a relationship (for example by inserting the customer in a group or community, with the surrounding people and with the cultural context).
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