Blog - Emotions for Business

Why is it important to focus on Emotional Marketing?

Written by Emotions for Business | Mar 27, 2023 10:49:00 AM

When it comes to Emotional Marketing we mean a real marketing and communication strategy based on emotional processes. Therefore, unlike other strategies more connected to rationality and related cognitive biases, we totally rely on emotions. These, in fact, play a fundamental role in the purchasing phase, managing to break down any psychological resistance of potential customers.

With Emotional Marketing the customer is catapulted into a memorable experience, it entertains and excites him, offering him an experience to remember, anticipating his unconscious needs and desires.

It is necessary to focus on Emotional Marketing since, being the emotional system of people automatic, active and unconscious, snapping quickly and quickly, always ready to acknowledge and act and often difficult to control, this drives them to make decisions quickly and almost always determines the purchase choices.